"Once there was a girl and she loved a man. They had a date next to the eighth street station of the sixth avenue subway. She had put on her good clothes and a new hat. Somehow he could not come. So the purpose of this picture is to show how beautiful she was. I really mean that she was beautiful."

"时间象沙子那样流去。在黑暗里,多少世纪的古老的爱情在奔流;我第一次也是最后一次占有了乌尔里克的形象。"/"Le temps s'écoulait comme du sable. Séculaire, dans l'ombre, l'amour déferla et je possédai pour la première et pour la dernière fois l'image d'Ulrica."
(来源:《艺术世界》2008年 第二期)