想攢一篇關于時間的博。正好google reader里存了些素材。一并用了吧。
"On The Sound and the Fury"
-- William Faulkner
Quentin's father talked about time at the moment that he gave his watch to his son:
'Quentin, I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire; it's rather excruciatingly apt that you will use it to gain the reductio ad absurdum of all human experience which can fit your individual needs no better than it fitted his or his fathers'. I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you might forget it now and then for a moment and not spend all your breath trying to conquer it. Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools.'
Calendar made of matches
-- Yurko Gutsulyak (http://www.gstudio.com.ua/)

"The idea was to create as unique a calendar so that the process of its presenting would become an outstanding event. Alongside with this, it was important to expose theidea of "energy", as it is predetermined by the name and logo of the company. Each page is a month and it looks like a comb made of matches that correspond to the days. The matches are real and the construction of the calendar is absolutely safe."

-- Michael Marcovici (http://sites.google.com/site/artmarcovici/)

"Rolex Time sand is packed in 30 kg bags. Each bag's content equals 30 days flowing in a standard hourglass. On the 18 pallets, there are 972 bags weighing 29 160 kg total, an amount of sand that would last for 81 years, which is our -generous- estimation of an average lifestime.

= 81 years
= our -generous- estimation of an average lifestime

= 39 years
= artist's lifetime already consumed
"La peste"
-- Albert Camus
Le vieil asthmatique décrit dans les carnets de Tarrou:
'Il ne pouvait souffrir la vue d'une montre et, en fait, il n'y en avait pas une seule dans toute sa maison. "Une montre, disait-il, c'est cher et c'est bête." Il évaluait le temps, et surtout l'heure des repas qui était la seule qui lui importât, avec ses deux marmites dont l'une était pleine de pois à son réveil. Il remplissait l'autre, pois par pois, du même mouvement appliqué et régulier. Il trouvait ainsi ses repère dans une journée mesurée à la marmite. "Toutes les quinze marmites, disait-il, il me faut mon casse-croûte. C'est tout simple."
Schott Solar & 20 Years Warranty Calendar
-- Saatchi & Saatchi (http://www.saatchi.de/)
Schott Solar produces solar panels with 20 years warranty. In order to present the brand Schott Solar in a distinctive and meaningful way in wholesale markets, they created a 20 year warranty calendar, which sticks out of the wall more than 60 centimeters. A message which can hardly be ignored. The first calenders were send out for free, in the meantime the sales force is confronted with more and more calendar requests.

Scratch A Date
-- Mr. Tom Design (http://www.mrtomdesign.com/)

"The Scratchender is a calender that use the same material used on those vile scratch cards, teasing me into believing I may have won something. I digress, you don’t cross out past days with a pen but just scratch them off. It’s a much more visual and dare I say interactive way to keeping your dates straight. I just have issue with the left over bits, shavings, and debris. Those things are murder to clean up!"