The House space, which is transformed by the will of authors of the composition (scenarios, artists, architects and builders), reminds the Labyrinth of Life, whose heart is the "Boat Room", the poet's memorial room on the fourth floor, and whose living nerve is the path of Mayakovsky in the house, the trace of his memory.
Like a theater, this Museum begins from the hall-stand. Guests in this House are poets who "did not love and did not smoke there last cigarette": Francois Villion, Alexander Pushkin, Marina Tsvetaeva and all those who see themselves in the mirror...
Mayakovsky was born in the Georgian village of Bagdadi on July 19, 1893. From a giant jug of wine ("Churi") like the Djinn from his bottle, a man appears ready to challenge to the bright heavens of Bagdadi:
« "Hi! Heavens! Take off your hat! I am going!"»
The poet's birth was marked by the first collection «I» and the tragedy «Vladimir Mayakovsky» at the stage of the Luna Park in St.Petersburg. The hero is surrounded by carnival masks hiding the faces of D. Burlyuk, V. Khlebnikov, M. Matyushin, A. Kruchenykh... Futurists got their new leader, and Russia got its new Poet.
«Down with your Love!»,
___«Down with your art!»,
______«Down with your religion!»,
_________«Down with your regime!» - тwas the program of poem «A Cloud in Trousers» (1915). Destroying the surrounding world in our consciousness, the poet makes his step.
"Mayakovsky entered the revolution like his own home" and declared: "Long live the new regime, new religion, new art and new love!"..
From God and Paradise to Person and Commune. Here is "full abundance of goods and products". However, only in paper. The commune appears to be a communal flat, a room turns into a sideboard or mirror wardrobe, which excites Prisypkin (Pierre Skripkin) from «The Bed-Bug ». This is the tragically way of degeneration of ideals. Life defrosts a common person.

The travel to Eternity "overhead poets and governments" was realized with a time machine from the play "Bath". This travel is a testament permeated by three dominant motives: hatred to "rubbish", optimism of deceived "cranks", and professional skill.
Nowadays, Mayakovsky is "marble slime", "Ganita verge", "one hundred volumes" of his books, coldness of public reception, and trample on the pedestal. Despite of all these, "Mayakovsky existed and exists...".